Our Innovation strategy is dependent on collaboration.
We have a strong and successful history in UK and EU funded projects, and we are currently engaged in pursuing further gains in technical performance through Funded Development, Joint Development and Paid Development projects.
If you have a proposal or project idea, then we would very much like to hear from you to discuss collaboration.
Please Get In Touch to discuss any Research & Innovation project ideas, and potential collaboration with DesignLED.
This EU project is focused on laser processing of 3D nano structuring using advanced photochemistry.
The project will develop and validate an integral manufacturing approach (material, process and technology) for large area direct laser writing of 2D and 3D optical structures, targeting high speed production of optical surfaces with subwavelength resolution, using NonLinear Absorption. Developments in photochemistry and laser beam forming will allow producing structures at different scales (100 nm to 10 microns). An unedited productivity in freeform fabrication of 3D structures will trigger the manufacturing of new and powerful optostructures with applications in lighting, displays, sensing, etc.
Using light to enable wellbeing in transport and office applications. An output from the project is that DesignLED have a patent application pending and commercial interest in the implementation of personalised lighting devices across a range of applications. Trans.Safe finished in September 2017.
A 3D integration approach, combining new material properties with state-of- art, scalable 3D technologies such as lamination, aerosol printing, and different laser based processes for combined micro-milling, micro-structuring and surface functionalization, micro-welding and micro-cutting.
A pilot line for the roll-to-roll manufacture of electronic components at micro-level on flexible polymeric substrates.